ADG_REDIRECT_DML in Oracle Active Data Guard 19c

Ubuntu: Change / Reset Keyring Password

After changing the password of your user/personal account in the Ubuntu 11.04 (also 11.10, 12.04) you are asked to put Password Keyring all the time:
For unlocking it is necessary to put there your old original password. But sometimes you don't remember it, hmm... With following steps you can change it or reset it:
  1. Open "Passwords and Keys":

  2. In the "Passwords Tab" you can Delete or "Change Password" with right click on you mouse:

If you set the keyring login passwords to the same as your user password, Gnome will automatically unlock your keyring during login.


  1. Thanks, I'm always an Ubuntu newbie. I keep forgetting my passwords

  2. I forgot my old password which means that I can not change the password in the "Change Password" prompt. It will always say "The original password was incorrect". Am I missing something in the method you describe.
    Many thanks,

    1. Hi, from your comment I see, that you want to change password. But for this action, you need to remember your old password or you can login as root and change password for you personal account.This article is for Keyring password...

    2. I do not know what the current keyring password is and the system wants it in order to change it. What then?

    3. You don't need to know your previous password, therefore the name of article is "reset/change". Maybe there is problem with the version of the Ubuntu. Which version do you have?

  3. Is there a way to change the keyring pw from command line?

    1. Maybe you could try to use the package pam-keyring.

      Download: wget

      Unpack it and do:

      Open the post login config file rc.local.

      Edit to make it look like this:
      exec echo ENTER_YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE | /PATH_TO_PAM_KEYRING_TOOL/pam-keyring-tool --keyring=login -u -s
      exit 0


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