ADG_REDIRECT_DML in Oracle Active Data Guard 19c

Happy to know that my request for enhancement will be implemented in new coming release Oracle 23.1 :)

I have requested to have an option to completely disable ADG_REDIRECT_DML on the session level for regular database user from the standby site (in Oracle Active Data Guard).

On one site good feature ADG_REDIRECT_DML in ADG in 19c environment (if you want to use it), but on the other site it can be also "dangerous".

Even if the default value of the ADG_REDIRECT_DML is FALSE, regular user without any special privileges is able to enable this feature on the session level and perform changes on the primary database through standby database.

As this is not possible to completely disable for regular users on the session level and protect primary site, I asked Oracle for enhancement, which was already confirmed by development team in the version 23.1.

As 23c wasn't yet released I had to prepare workaround. If somebody wants to know how to do it, just let me know, I can write an article about this.
