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This tutorial shows you how to use PHP with Oracle Database 10g/11g.
PHP is a popular web scripting language, and is often used to create database-driven web sites.
- installed Oracle database 10g/11g
- installed Apache
- installed php5
- oci8 extension - write at the end of the file php.ini: extension=oci8.so
- in the case, that you want to connect to the database as sysdba you need to also allow this possibility. Modify file php.ini: oci8.privileged_connect = On
- in the case, that you want to connect to the database as sysdba you need to also allow this possibility. Modify file php.ini: oci8.privileged_connect = On
Using PHP OCI8 with Oracle Database
1. Create connection to the Oracle database with functions for querying and executing commands in the database:
- oci_connect()
- contains username, password and connect string to the database
- oci_close()
- close the connection. Any standard connections not explicitly closed are automatically released when the script ends.
- PHP code of the script dbUtil.php (this script should be called always at the beginnig of the php page)
<?php class DBUtil { private $connection; public function __construct() { $this->connection = oci_connect(<login_name>, <password>,<connect_string>); //example: //$this->connection = oci_connect('hr','hr','(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=51521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME = orcl)))'); if (!$this->connection) { $e = oci_error(); var_dump($e); } } public function __destruct() { if ($this->connection) { oci_close($this->connection); } } public function query($sql, $printSql = false) { if ($this->connection) { // Prepare the statement $stid = oci_parse($this->connection, $sql); if($printSql) { echo $sql; } if (!$stid) { $e = oci_error($this->connection); var_dump($e); } // Perform the logic of the query $r = oci_execute($stid); if (!$r) { $e = oci_error($stid); var_dump($e); } $result = array(); while ($row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) { $result[] = $row; } oci_free_statement($stid); return $result; } } public function execute($sql, $printSql = false) { if ($this->connection) { // Prepare the statement $stid = oci_parse($this->connection, $sql); if($printSql) { echo $sql; } if (!$stid) { $e = oci_error($this->connection); var_dump($e); } // Perform the logic of the query $r = oci_execute($stid); if (!$r) { $e = oci_error($stid); var_dump($e); } return $r; } } } ?> |
- now you can call this script and use your database in your php page
<?php require_once 'dbUtil.php'; $db = new DBUtil(); ?> |
- how to query your database
<?php require_once 'dbUtil.php'; $db = new DBUtil(); $sql_query = $db -> query("select username from dba_users"); foreach ($sql_query as $rownum=>$row) { print $row['USERNAME']."<br />"; } ?> |
- how to execute query in your database. Table will be created under user which was used for the connection to the database, otherwise you have to specify the schema user.
<?php require_once 'dbUtil.php'; $db = new DBUtil(); //create table test $sql = $db -> execute("create table test (name char(20))"); if ($sql == true) { print "<p>Table created.</p>"; //insert rows to the table test $sql = $db -> execute("insert into test(name) values ('test_name_1')"); $sql = $db -> execute("insert into test(name) values ('test_name_2')"); //check, if the rows were inserted $query = $db -> query("select name from test"); print "<p>Result from the table test: <br />"; foreach ($query as $rownum=>$row) { print $row['NAME']."<br />"; } print "</p>"; //drop table test $sql = $db -> execute("drop table test"); if ($sql == true) { print "<p>Table dropped</p>"; } } ?> |
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